CARB Commercial Harbor Craft Regulations

Testing Requirements for Harbor Craft and Vessels

In 2022, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) expanded existing harbor craft regulations to more vessel types. The goal is to reduce emissions by requiring cleaner upgrades and newer technology. The 2022 Commercial Harbor Craft (CHC) amendments mean that a new group of vessels must comply with mandatory testing.

Commercial Harbor Craft Regulations

If you have questions about keeping your commercial harbor craft in CARB compliance, we are happy to provide the latest information.

Commercial harbor craft fall under a series of requirements, many of which came into effect in 2023. These include: 

  • All CHCs must use renewable diesel fuel
  • All CHCs must have a unique vessel identifier (UVI)
  • Annual compliance fees based on fleet size. The fee schedule can be found here.
  • Annual operational reporting to CARB

As of January 1, 2023, CHC owner/operators must submit an annual report for their vessels by March 31. This report will include:

  • Owner or operator contact information  
  • Vessel information 
  • Engine Information 
  • Vessel operational information 
  • Control equipment information, if applicable 
  • Engine maintenance records information 
  • Compliance information 
  • ZEAT vessel and equipment information (if applicable) 
  • Opacity testing and emission control repair information 
  • Other information as applicable. 

The main propulsion engine must pass an opacity test once per two-year period ending on March 31 of each even-numbered calendar year. The owner must submit the results to CARB.

Owner/operators have 30 calendar days from date of the failed test to make repairs and get retested. Otherwise, the engine in question must be removed from active service.

Auxiliary engines must meet required opacity limits but are not required to be tested in the two-year window. However, CARB staff may perform opacity testing on auxiliary engines in the field.

Certified testers must have complete a training course from the California Council on Diesel Education and Technology on the proper administration of SAE J1667 opacity test.

Operating harbor craft that are not in CARB compliance may result in fines and the removal the vessel from active service.

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Keep Your Vessel in Regulatory Compliance

Be CARB Compliant has the certified testers you need to stay in compliance with CARB regulations. We specialize in services that will maintain your vessel’s active status. If you need help with testing or navigating CARB, contact us for a free consultation.